Tips for living with MS or with someone who has MS

July 9, 2021

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that can affect the brain and spinal cord, causing a wide range of potential symptoms, including problems with sight, movement, sensation, or balance. It's a lifelong condition that can range in severity from mild to debilitating.

MS can be a frustrating, strange, and unpredictable condition. It's hard to tell when symptoms such as numbness, weakness, loss of balance, or cognitive difficulties will complicate your life.

Here are some tips that can make it easier for people and caregivers to deal with MS.

Eating Healthy

Eating a healthy diet is a huge step for anyone experience health issues, but especially for people who are experiencing chronic diseases such as MS.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society notes that there's no special diet for MS, but that eating a diet low in fat and high in vitamins and fiber can help you feel better. The also say that eating healthy can maximize your energy and support healthy bladder and bowel function.

A good diet supports caregivers too, with more energy, optimism and general health.

A better diet may actually be therapeutic for MS patients, since it can help them avoid metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, abdominal obesity, and insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease and other chronic conditions.

Regular Exercise

Research shows that people with MS who participate in aerobic exercise programs benefit from improved cardiovascular fitness, increased strength, better bladder and bowel function, and a improved attitude.

Yoga, adaptive tai chi, and water exercise are also excellent workouts for people with MS. Exercise intensity will vary depending on each persons condition, but these activities range in difficulty and help physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Addressing Problems Sleeping

MS can cause sleep problems, including insomnia, frequent urination, narcolepsy, and leg spasms. Sleep issues are so evident in MS patients that over half of the people diagnosed with MS suffer with restless legs syndrome.

Dr. Calabresi says, "Sleep is very much underestimated in brain function. We know there's a correlation between poor sleep and both Alzheimer's and MS.

It is important ot be proactive and contact your doctor with any sleep issues. whether you're suffering with MS or caring for someone who has it, taking preventive steps can reduce the chance of further damage to your body. Chronic illness can be exhausting, and MS patients and their caregivers both need as much quality sleep as they can get.

Home Improvements

MS symptoms can strike suddenly and make it hard for patients to physically navigate their environment.

Life is easier for people with MS when their homes and offices are arranged for maximum efficiency and minimum risk. Keep essentials within easy reach, install safety features in the bath and shower and cut down on clutter to reduce the risk of falls.

Buying sturdy furniture and cabinetry can also be used for balance and support. The more things in your house that can be used for balance, the better.

Get Involved

There are lots of people who experience or live with someone who has MS. We recommend reaching out to MS support groups or online groups to find ways in which you can gain support for what you are going through, or offer assistance to others who may going through trials you've experienced in the past.


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