Building, buying or renovating homes to meet specific needs.

We will build and/or renovate homes to support individuals living with complex cognitive, behavioral and physical challenges.

What We Do

Over the years, E Street Property has worked with a diverse group of placement agencies where a lack of specialized care facilities exists. E Street Property collaborates with our clients to provide housing that meets provincial licensing requirements, passes regular inspections, and pays strict attention to the safety of our partners' client base.

Cost Effective and Convenient

By maintaining low overheads E Street Property can pass along the most cost-effective resources and the convenience of streamlined management services to our clients. Earning a trusting, transparent, and reliable reputation with the agencies we have worked with has allowed us to grow across multiple markets in Canada.

E Street Properties works with our agencies to provide homes that the residents can be proud of and live happy, fulfilled and comfortable lives.

E Street Property focuses its four pillars of service in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and the Maritimes. We work with a diverse group of placement agencies where a lack of specialized care facilities exist and where together we can help fill that need.

Our experience in adhering to building codes, licensing bylaws, and residential tenancy branch ethics, make E Street Property a predictable and qualified partner you can trust.

We help agencies manage their projects from start to finish. Working together with you, for your clients.

- Shawn Hebert

President & CEO, E Street Property

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