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What sets E Street Property apart

E Street Property offers our clients flexibility in building, buying, or renovating homes to support each of their unique agency needs.

What We Do

Over the years, E Street Property has worked with a diverse group of placement agencies where a lack of specialized care facilities exists. E Street Property collaborates with our clients to provide housing that meets provincial licensing requirements, passes regular inspections, and pays strict attention to the safety of our partners' client base.

Cost Effective and Convenient

By maintaining low overheads E Street Property can pass along the most cost-effective resources and the convenience of streamlined management services to our clients. Earning a trusting, transparent, and reliable reputation with the agencies we have worked with has allowed us to grow across multiple markets in Canada.

E Street Property's 4 Pillars of Service

Our knowledgable team will help you with a wide range of services that will compliment your internal teams and requirements for buying, renovating, maintaining and reporting of your agency properties.

#1 House Buying
Let E Street Property find a wonderful home for your agency. With over 10 years of experience buying and leasing property to agencies, we have vast experience in sourcing the perfect residence for your needs.
#2 Custom Renovating
E Street Property will build and / or renovate home to support our individuals living with complex cognitive, behavioural and physical challenges. We have vast experience working with a diverse group of placement agencies where a lack of specialized care facilities exists.
#3 Repair & Maintenance
Our team of dedicated Project Coordinators manage daily work orders from locations across Canada and ensure they are responded to and fulfilled in a timely manner. We ensure work orders are completed satisfactorily, with competitive pricing and on a timely basis. The work orders are tracked on our online facility management application and we inventory all facility equipment by location, and record keep all service calls by location by day, week or month etc.
#4 Reporting
E Street Property understands the importance of timely reporting to our agency partners. Current work order reports empower department managers to easily report on all work orders (reactive and preventative maintenance for example) that have occurred in the past week, month, year etc. E Street provides access to users to users to simply enter the period of time you want to report on, apply whatever filter criteria needed, and get the report your department desires.

Agency properties

Whether you require our assistance with a single-family home, multi-family residence or a mixed-use property (office + residential), E Street Property has the expertise and experience to find the perfect fit.

More info

  • Residential
  • Care homes
  • Assisted community living
  • Multi-family homes
  • Supported independent living
Agency properties
Agency properties
Agency properties
Agency properties
Agency properties
Agency properties
Common questions

Common questions

Does E Street Property have a home that my agency can rent?

Potentially yes. We do have homes in most provinces, however it would be based on availability. Alternatively, E Street Property can purchase a home to your liking and rent the property back to your agency.

Where in Canada do you operate?

E Street Property focuses its four pillars of service in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and the Maritimes. Please fill out the "Contact Us" form and we will schedule a call with you to understand your needs.

How long can I rent the home for?

Ideally, we don’t want you to move out. Therefore, we are in favour of creating long term leases as we ultimately approach purchasing property as “forever homes” for your clients.

Additional questions

Common questions

E Street Property focuses its four pillars of service in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and the Maritimes. We work with a diverse group of placement agencies where a lack of specialized care facilities exist and where together we can help fill that need.

Our experience in adhering to building codes, licensing bylaws, and residential tenancy branch ethics, make E Street Property a predictable and qualified partner you can trust.

We help agencies manage their projects from start to finish. Working together with you, for your clients.

- Shawn Hebert

President & CEO, E Street Property

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